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Shop Composite Decking

COMPOSITE DECKING BOARDS Traditionally, most patio decking is made from real wood and requires a lot of work to install and match the design of your garden, such as treating the wood, staining, painting the wood or both and then the work of putting it all together. Aftercare can also be somewhat costly for both time and money as it is a wooden product. Plastic decking leans in a different direction as it is easy to install, simply requiring clips and screws to put the decking together. You will also find that the amount of maintenance required is significantly lower than standard wooden decking boards due to being resistant to elements of mother nature, stains, mould, mildew, cracking, splitting and warping, which is gained from the materials used to create composite decking boards such as plastics, bonding agents and wood fibres, meaning you can spend more time enjoying your new garden decking. It is also quite a bit more stronger than standard decking, giving you an extra sense of stability on your composite decking.


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