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Shop Riven Finish Paving

Riven finish paving refers to the texture and appearance of the stone. Riven describes the surface texture of the paving stone, which occurs when the stone is split along its naturally occurring layers. As such, no one riven paving stone is ever identical to another.

Riven finish paving suits more traditional or natural settings due to the antique feel of the paving. It creates a timelessness that suits a cottage garden or historic property slightly more than a modern, sleek property. However, a darker riven finish paving in stones such as black limestone can be a great way to combine the old and the new, while creating a modern feel overall.

A more modern feel can also be achieved by choosing riven finish paving with straighter, sawn edges. This more uniform finish creates the sense of the new and contemporary, as with this Brazilian black slate.

Riven finish paving also features slip resistance, due to its naturally rough finish. As each stone is split, the layers of rock are exposed, as they were formed originally. As such, this unevenness provides good tread for users and prevents slips and trips.

Riven finish paving tends to be instinctively durable and hardwearing, because of the rock types split in this way. This includes limestones, basalt, slate, and sandstone to name but a few. As such, they are good for gardens and driveways which will receive a lot of use, especially if they are maintained regularly.

No matter your aesthetic, Stone and Porcelain have a riven stone perfect for your space!


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